We spend weeks, months, even years trying to figure out what our sexuality is. To our knowledge, we’ve found 29 sexualities that individuals identify with. But, there could be even more out there & with an ever-growing community in years to come there could be double.

Sexuality labels help us identify and feel apart of a community. However, it’s a strong possibility that you identify with none of the labels below & I want to stress, this is okay. Labels are just a few letters stringed together, they don’t define you as a person. Please remember this if you’re searching to explain what you’re feeling & feel disappointment if none below are identifiable.

A-Z Lists of Sexualities – 2021 Edition


Abrosexual – Abrosexuality is described as an individual who experiences their sexuality change frequently. It can fluctuate between different sexualities often. – Definition: Urban Dictionary 

Androgynosexual – An androgynosexual describes a person who is sexually attracted to men and women, particularly those of androgynous appearance. – Definition: AvenWiki

Androsexual – An androsexual is anyone who has sexual feelings towards masculinity. This term is usually used by gender-queer individuals who do not fall within heterosexuality or homosexuality. – Definition: AvenWiki & Openminded

Aromantic – A person who is aromantic does not experience romantic attraction. This person does not have to identify as asexual & they still may experience sensual & aesthetic attraction. – Definition: Urban Dictionary 

Asexual – Asexual is the term used to describe a person who feels little to no sexual attraction to anyone – Definition: Spunout


Biromantic – A person who is romantically attracted to two sexes or genders. Biromantic asexuals seek romantic relationships for companionship, affection, and intimacy, but they are not sexually attracted to their romantic partners. – Definition: Urban Dictionary 

Bisexuality – Bisexuals are sexually attracted to two or more genders – Definition: Wikipedia 


Ceterosexual – Someone who experiences sexual/romantic attraction only to non-binary people. This label is used as a non-problematic term for skoliosexuality only to be used by non-binary people. – Definition: Tumblr 


Demisexual – Demisexual refers to a person who doesn’t experience sexual attraction unless they form an emotional connection – Definition: AvenWiki

Demiromantic – This term is a type of grey-romantic who only experiences romantic attraction after developing an emotional connection. They do not experience primary romantic attraction, but are capable of secondary romantic attraction. – Definition: AvenWiki


Finsexual – The attraction to women, females and femininity – Definition: AminoApps


Gay – A person who identifies as homosexual. Definition: English Dictionary 

Gynosexual – Anyone who has sexual feelings towards a woman or femininity. The term can be useful when describing the sexual orientation of an individual with a non-binary gender identity. – Definition: AvenWiki

Grey-Romantic – A grey-romantic is a person with a romantic orientation that is somewhere between aromantic & romantic. – Definition: Urban Dictionary 


Heterosexual – A person sexually attracted to people of the opposite sex – Definition: Google 

Homosexuality – A person sexually attracted to people of ones own sex. – Definition: Google

Heteroromantic – Romantically attracted to a member of the opposite sex or gender. They may seek romantic intimacy but they’re not sexually attracted to partners. – Definition: AvenWiki

Homoromantic – Romantically attracted to someone of the same sex or gender. They may seek romantic intimacy but they’re not sexually attracted to partners. – Definition: AvenWiki



Lesbian – A homosexual woman whose emotional, romantic and sexual feelings are towards women. – Definition: Urban Dictionary 


Omnisexual – Omnisexuals are attracted to all genders,=. Gender can still be a factor in their attraction, unlike pansexuals, who don’t care about gender. – Definition: Urban Dictionary 


Pansexuality –A person whose romantic and/or sexual attraction towards others is not limited by sex or gender.

Panromantic – Is a person that can be romantically attracted to all genders, but not sexually. – Definition: Urban Dictionary 

Pomosexuality – Refers to non-orientation in which people disregard sexuality labels altogether. Basically, labels are seen as superficial and insignificant to someone who identities as pomosexual. – Definition: Urban Dictionary 

Polysexual – Is the attract to some, but not all, genders. They may be attracted to any combination of  possible genders, including binary & non-binary. – Definition: Urban Dictionary 


Queer – An LGBTQ+ term the community is reclaiming. An identity label that is non-specific about a persons sexual orientation. – Definition: Urban Dictionary 

Questioning – To be unsure of or re-examining ones previous assumption of sexual orientation.


Straight – An heterosexual

Skoliosexual – The attraction to non-binary individuals. – Definition: Urban Dictionary 

Sapiosexual – Sexually attracted to intelligence or the human mind – Definition: Wikitionary 

And there we have it. Our 29 sexualities that we are aware of. If your sexuality hasn’t be shown or you know of a sexuality, let us know so we can spread the word & help others truly understand sexuality & how fluid it can or can’t be.

It’s important to know, even if you think it’s ridiculous and that sexuality can be only straight, gay, bisexual or whatever. There is a thing called respect & no matter how much you disagree, always be respectful & try educate yourself. This modern world is growing & with that you need to grow yourself alongside. Don’t be close-minded & allow yourself to learn, it’s the only way we can move forward together.

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